The Hope Podcast
The Hope Podcast
All On My Ownsome
Discover how the spiritual discipline of solitude can help you find peace, hear God's voice more clearly, and renew your spirit in a busy world.
165. All On My Ownsome — Aneel Aranha
Hello and welcome to The Hope Podcast. I'm Aneel Aranha. Today, we will talk about solitude and its power in our walk with God.
We live in a world constantly surrounded by noise, notifications, and narratives. Consequently, solitude has become increasingly rare. This is a pity because solitude is important, not just for peace of mind, but for spiritual growth.
Jesus frequently withdrew to solitary places to pray (Luke 5:16). He spent 40 days alone in the wilderness before starting His public ministry (Matthew 4:1-2). He continued to seek out moments of solitude even afterward.
Solitude isn't just about being physically alone. It's about creating space to be alone with God, free from distractions and the expectations of others. It is in this space that we often hear God's voice most clearly.
The prophet Elijah encountered God not in the wind, earthquake, or fire, but in the "gentle whisper" that came after (1 Kings 19:11-13). For us, this gentle whisper is often drowned out by the cacophony of our daily lives.
So, how can we practice solitude in our lives? Start small. Set aside just 10 minutes a day to be alone with God, without your phone or other distractions. Gradually increase this time as you become more comfortable with silence.
Find a physical space for solitude. This could be a quiet corner in your home, a nearby park, or even your car during your lunch break. The important thing is that it's a place where you can be uninterrupted.
Use this time not just for talking to God, but for listening. Practice being still and knowing that He is God (Psalm 46:10). You might be surprised at what you hear when you quiet your own thoughts and external noise.
Remember, solitude isn't about isolation. It's meant to equip us to engage more fully with others. As we spend time alone with God, we're filled with His love and wisdom to share with those around us.
Solitude can be challenging at first. We might feel restless or uncomfortable with silence. But as we persist, we often find it becomes a cherished time of refreshment and renewal.
As you cultivate this discipline of solitude, you may find your relationship with God deepening in new ways. Your ability to hear His voice more clearly can guide your decisions, calm your anxieties, and strengthen your faith.
God bless you.